Pina Menichelli, plays a vivacious provincial girl who is contended by two big names of the Italian cinema: Ruggero Ruggeri and Amleto Novelli. Ruggeri, around whom this breezy story revolves, is a cl...
The old sailor Pietro has one son, the young Schiantacatene who is married to Mary, and a daughter, the beautiful Fiamma. One night, despite the news of an imminent pirate attack, the men decide to go...
The life of Christ. The film is divided into three parts called "Mysteries." The first: birth and infancy of Jesus until the journey into Egypt. The second: public life of Jesus up to the triumphal en...
The Marchioness Teresa of Fontenay falls in love with Jean Guery, a young journalist. She divorced from her husband, the old Fomtenay, and she hopes to marry her beloved, but the outbreak of the revol...